

Rhines Hall is located near Ben Hill Griffin Stadium (UF football) off of Gale Lemerand rd. Below are maps from Archer rd, University rd, and 13th st / 441. Use the interactive maps to get directions from your exact location.

Click for parking information

Visitors to the University of Florida campus may find pay parking accommodations at the UF Bookstore and Visitor Welcome Center parking garage, located just south of the Reitz Union at the corner of Museum Road and Reitz Union Drive. This garage is an unrestricted pay facility available to campus visitors and all members of the University community and offers short-term and all-day parking options. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM.

Use the interactive map for directions from any location!

Click to view map
{loadposition rhineshall}

From Archer Rd to Rhines Hall | From University Ave. to Rhines Hall | From 13th St to Rhines Hall