Student Societies

Society for Biomaterials (SFB)

Mission and Goals: SFB is a student-led professional society that works to promote student research, education, and professional development in biomaterials and all related disciplines. We work to promote interaction between students and biomaterials professionals in both academia and industry, and we strive to act as a conduit for students seeking research positions within the university, internships at regional companies, or full-time employment post-graduation.

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Materials Advantage (MA)

Mission and Goals: UF’s chapter of Material Advantage, the student program for materials science and engineering.

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Alpha Sigma Mu Materials Honor Society

Mission and Goals: To honor those students of metallurgy, metallurgical engineering and materials engineering who attain high rank in scholarship and who possess to a high degree the qualities of exemplary integrity, leadership and initiative.

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American Nuclear Society (ANS)

Mission and Goals: The ANS Student Section promotes members within the University’s Nuclear Engineering Program to develop and become exceptional Gator Engineers within the nuclear community. Professional development, academic achievement, and community involvement and outreach are all factors that are inherent within the Section and help progress the next generation of nuclear engineers and scientists.

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Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM)

Mission and Goals: The INMM Florida Student Chapter strives to promote nuclear materials management, improve qualifications of those seeking to be employed in areas of nuclear materials management, and disseminate information through outreach and education in these fields.  To accomplish these goals the chapter brings together students and faculty interested in nuclear materials management to discuss current events, hear upcoming announcements, and participate in networking.

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